Tips For Biking With Kids From A Mom Who Bikes
We are inspired daily here at PUBLIC by our incredible biking community, and we’re especially fond of mothers who ride with their young kids. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we asked biking mother and art teacher Patty Nelson from Pasadena, CA to share some of her experiences about riding with her two kids, Ever and Lazlo. Patty shares some of her top tips and what being a mother means to her. Her responses were helpful, heartfelt, and inspiring.
A huge high five to all biking mothers out there. This post is for you.
Patty's 20 Word (more or less) Bio:
Patty is a Los Angeles based art teacher for kids, with a love for good design. And she rides a PUBLIC step-through bike!
You live in the urban city of Los Angeles. How does biking with your kids fit into city life?
Patty: Biking is a great way for us to explore the neighborhood, and find all the things that make city life so unique. We can bike down to the library, grab a snack at the local coffee shop, and even take our bikes on the Metro to go to another city.
How many kids do you have, what are their ages, and how do you get your kids interested in biking?
Patty: There is Ever who is 6 and Laszlo who is 3. Ever started on a scooter when she was younger and although we tried to get her over to a balance bike - she stuck with scooter until she had perfected it. After her agility got better from the scooter, we got her first PUBLIC kids' bike with training wheels near her 4th birthday. She caught on with the training wheels and after about 6 months we took them off to see if she could handle it. I kid you not - she rode the day we took them off and has been hauling around ever since. Laszlo got a balance bike recently, and is riding it so well, he might ride without training wheels a little sooner. He’s got a big sister to keep up with!
Has biking with your kids changed the way you understand or interact with them?
Patty: Biking with my kids has allowed me to see their curiosity grow for the world around them.
Where do you like to go biking with your kids?
Patty: We primarily go around our neighborhood in Pasadena, CA. We cruise to the library, local parks, farmers' market, etc. We always take our PUBLIC bikes on our road trips as well!
What are your top tips for parents who have not started biking with their kids?
Patty: My top tip for parents would be to introduce the bike at an early age, whether it be through a balance bike or a pedal bike with training wheels. Choose a safe and familiar location to go riding with your kids so they feel at ease on their bikes. Give them a rundown of your destination, even if it is just short ride, so they know what to expect. And lastly, a lot of snacks and water!
What does motherhood mean to you?
Patty: Motherhood to me means unconditional love, and helping my children find the best version of themselves. It means being a safe space for them, and a place to retreat and return to for comfort and security
Photography credit goes to the talents of Marisa Oh. Model credit goes to the beautiful family of Patty Nelson. And big thanks to both of them for making this post possible.